
About Public Eye Northwest

Public Eye Northwest delivers relevant information in clear, jargon-free language that puts health into context in peoples’ lives. Through medical content, insights from experts and real people, and breaking news, we answer: how it happened, what it feels like, what you can do about it, and why it matters.
Public Eye Northwest is produced by editors and journalists dedicated to delivering accurate, trusted, up-to-date health and medical information, for consumers. We focus on problem-solving content to help you make decisions during complicated, stressful times. We write in plain English, using real-life examples. For additional information we partner with the medically accredited sources listed below.

Accuracy and Review of Content

Hundreds of doctors, experts, patients, and advocates have been interviewed during the production of our original content.
Read our User’s Bill of Rights and Editorial Policy to learn more about our commitment to editorial integrity and service to our users.

About Your Privacy

We know that health is a very personal, private subject, and we maintain a strict privacy policy.


Public Eye Northwest delivers relevant information in clear, jargon-free language that puts health into context in peoples’ lives. Through medical content, insights from experts and real people, and breaking news, we answer: how it happened, what it feels like, what you can do about it, and why it matters.


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